Friday, May 05, 2006

Video Displays

For those of you that may have seen the movie Minority Report, you'll be familiar with the idea of personalized billboards. While that is still science fiction, we'll be seeing "moving" advertisements in stores very soon.

We already see them to some degree today, but the ones we'll see soon enough will be a whole lot smarter and slicker. These ones will have content that is almost specific to the customers who are shopping each store and throughout each day.

For example, a coffee shop might sell a lot of cappucino in one neighborhood, and a lot of regular joe in another. Then at lunch, they may sell a lot of smoothings at the first locations, and a lot of bagels at the second. With dynamic displays, retail stores will be able to "narrowcast" pertinent ads to specific locations, at specific times.

Freaky, huh?


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