Monday, March 06, 2006

Third post is the charm

A lesson from grocers.

Successful grocers always put the fresh items in the front of the store, so when you first walk in, you are greeted with a good thing™.

Retailers that don't sell food caught onto this successful strategy by constantly changing the messages presented to customers so as to keep their attention. There is a great ice cream store nearby my home that puts up different catchy and clever messages on their sign every week, like "Think warm thoughts!" during this early springtime season.

When you have more than one location, this can become a serious challenge. What chain store marketers need to understand is that they need to maintain control as they gain exposure. (There is an oft-quoted inverse correlation between exposure and control.) What's more, opinions and cultures change from location to location, so the same catchy and clever messages won't work in every location.

Anyone have any ideas on this matter?


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